Viktor Yerofeyev’s talk-show. We are not sure about the state of libraries in our country. We know that it is improving but we would like to know the details...
Viktor Yerofeyev’s talk-show. We are not sure about the state of libraries in our country. We know that it is improving but we would like to know the details...
The guests are Ekaterina Geniyeva, director of the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature named after M. Rudomino; Igor Guberman, poet; Anatoliy Semyonov, representative of the Culture Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; Mikhail Afanasyev, director of the State Public Historical Library; Nana Getashvili, architect; Stefano Verrecchia, writer; Liliya Bagrova, director of the Moscow Central Library No.36 named after N.A. Dobrolyubov